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The 3 Most Common Meditation Misconceptions
So if you’re one of those people who believe meditation isn’t something you can get into, do yourself a favor and keep reading. Below are three common misconceptions that people have about meditating that are often holding people back from having a meaningful and impactful meditation practise. Who am I to write on this, you ask? Good question.
How Negative Self-Talk is Keeping You From Reaching Your Goals
Ever felt at a stand-still in your life? It happens to all of us and it’s often due to internal setbacks. We tell ourselves we can’t do it, we don’t have the resources, and we don’t have the support we need. Sadly, we’ve been programmed to think this way.
7 Ways to Heal Your Old Wounds
Old wounds are just that – old. Yet the emotions these wounds came with likely make them appear as very recent, relevant, and reliable sources of information about your life. Though they exist to protect you from similar unpleasant experiences in the future, the only thing these old wounds reliably protect you from, is living your best life.
Did You Know That Anxiety Is Actually Contagious?
Anxiety is a normal emotion that can cause increased alertness, fear, nervousness and apprehension. It can manifest physically as an increased heart rate or blood pressure, perspiration and stomach problems, headaches, and shortness of breath.
A New Take on Self-Love
Some days begin with self-love and by lunch you can’t find an ounce of it floating in the ocean that is your life. It’s in these failed attempts at self-love that you may be tempted to blame yourself and perpetuate the cycle of anything but self-love. It’s in these moments that I urge you to refrain from the thinking that led you so far from self-love...