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How To Speak Your Truth Without Getting Cancelled
Don’t lie, say what you think. But do it with love, compassion and respect and make it your intention to share it wrapped up as your real concern for the person and your friendship. How do you do this when you feel so passionate about the issue, when you’ve done your research, when you’re so connected to your truth and when the whole freaking thing is impacting every aspect of your life and you can’t get away from it?
7 Tested Strategies To Get Your Life Back On Track
Like life sometimes can, this post is going to get worse before it gets better. But hang on because I promise I’m going to give you some pretty simple, yet very tangible, ways to get your life back on track.
Powerful Steps To Grow Your Confidence Right Now!
In this blog post, we’re going to go through the top five things you can do to get rid of your acne naturally. No, this isn’t an exhaustive list (I’d need to write a whole book for that!), but this is an amazing starting place.
3 Steps To Easily Grow Your Confidence Now
To get confidence, you need to really understand what it is, and what it isn’t. It’s not ego or arrogance. And it’s not blind faith - well, for some it can be, but that never ends well. Confidence is faith in your own ability to achieve something or create a positive outcome.
What You Resist, Persists. What You Accept, Transforms You.
Once you begin to see your resistance as a guide, showing you that you’ve encountered something personally meaningful and pointing you in the direction of where you need to turn next, follow these 4 steps to skillfully integrate and move through it.
How to Go From Resistance to Ease in 4 Simple Steps
Once you begin to see your resistance as a guide, showing you that you’ve encountered something personally meaningful and pointing you in the direction of where you need to turn next, follow these 4 steps to skillfully integrate and move through it.
Make SHIFT Happen - 5 Ways to Bring Change to Your Life
Dr. Sophia Godkin highlights the 5 most effective ways to bring to life the change that you want to see happen in a less daunting and more doable way, learned through living, loving example and brought to you courtesy of the letters S.H.I.F.T.
4 Ways to Incorporate Grounding Into Your Daily Routine
If you feel like you’re doing everything right but still feel disconnected from yourself; if you feel like constant stress and anxiety is your new norm, grounding may be what’s missing from your life. Here's why you should add grounding to your daily routine today!
7 Ways To Build Resilience From the Inside Out
The best part about these 7 strategies is that they all work in unison, complementing each other in augmenting who you can become as a resilient human being. Going at it from this perspective is incredibly efficient, effective, and it’s my favourite way to go about any change aimed at making us better at who we are and what we do in life.
Three Myths (and Three Truths) About Resilience
Resilience is an ideal accomplice during difficult or tough times. And the best part about it is that it’s not a quality that you either are or aren’t born with. It’s a quality that you can make the conscious decision to practice and a state of being that you can access and cultivate at any time.
When It Feels Like Life Has Been Put on Hold
Whether it's an illness, break-up, or global event that's leading life to feel like it's on hold, the truth is that this experience is no different than being put on hold when making an outbound telephone call. Just as you don’t stop doing things while waiting for the operator to ring you back to respond to your needs, you don't just stop living life!
That 'Sweet Spot' to a Successful and Sultry Romantic Relationship
A good relationship is all about balance. It’s about finding a sense of equilibrium that is unique to the connection that exists between you. It’s about setting the stage for each person to empower rather than overpower the other.
Why We Need Women in the Workplace
Almost anyone who has led, trained or coached women will tell you that women take both direction and feedback better. Do you know what that usually translates to? Better performance. Click to read our ode to women in the workplace!
The Rise of the Divine Feminine
When a woman is in her power, the Divine Feminine rises, and she is unstoppable. She does not stand for injustice or abuse and rallies for the downtrodden, the underserved, and the neglected. This rallying starts with loving and standing up for herself. Her persuasion is not through force, control, exclusion, overpowering, or fear.
Discover Your Self-Love Language
Dr. Sophia Godkin a.k.a. the Happiness Doctor, dives deep into the relationship you have with yourself. You may have heard about the love languages but have you heard about the self-love languages? Take the quiz to find out what your love language is then find out how to apply that to the relationship you have with yourself.