Worrying: Suffering Twice| WBT September 19, 2021

WBT (We’ve Been Thinking) is our weekly mini virtual “soul-therapy” sesh sent straight to your inbox every Sunday Morning, in which we cover a range of topics and give you actionable tips and tools that you can start applying today to raise your vibe and feel amazing. All in a less than 3-minute read. Interested in getting yours every Sunday? Sign up for our weekly newsletter below!

WBT… About worry!!!

Big question: How much of your thinking time every day is spent worrying?

We worry because we think that worrying about something might keep it from happening. Or that if we worry about it, we can be prepared for it when it does happen. Or sometimes we do it simply because we’re so overwhelmed with a problem that it feels like there is little else that we can do.

Unfortunately, worrying about a problem doesn’t actually help to solve it. Worrying actually steals time from you and keeps you from focusing on what matters.

(That’s not to say that what you’re worrying about doesn’t matter, it’s to say that just worrying about it changes nothing.)

If you think about it, worrying is just suffering twice. Fun! 

So, what’s your biggest worry right now?

Is your biggest worry a problem that will solve itself or something that you have absolutely no influence on or control over? If your answer to that is yes, then resolve to either quit worrying about it altogether or put a 10-minute time limit on it.

If your biggest worry is a problem that you have a legitimate influence on or control over, then now is the time to solve that problem rather than just worry about it. Like this:

  • Put yourself in a calm state of mind with a walk in nature, some deep breathing, or with Emily’s saying yes and letting go meditation.

  • Start generating solutions, write down everything that comes to mind. These may be huge leaps or baby steps. Don’t judge it, just throw it all down.

  • Choose one to three easy things that are most likely to address the worry that you can start in the next 24 to 48 hours.

  • Resolve to take notice every time you catch yourself worrying about it going forward. If you’re thinking about it, it's because you’re planning and taking action. Period.

And remember- we’re all there with you. This isn’t a you problem- this is an us problem. Most of us have been taught inadvertently by well-meaning parents, teachers, and friends, that this is an effective stress coping strategy.

It’s not. But practice makes perfect! So start practicing with us today :)


Self-Sabotage Pt. 1 | WBT September 26, 2021


Access Your Power to Change Your Life| WBT September 12, 2021