The Amazing Side Effects of Letting Go | WBT March 6, 2022

WBT (We’ve Been Thinking) is our weekly mini virtual “soul-therapy” sesh sent straight to your inbox every Sunday Morning, in which we cover a range of topics and give you actionable tips and tools that you can start applying today to raise your vibe and feel amazing. All in a less than 3-minute read. Interested in getting yours every Sunday? Sign up for our weekly newsletter below!

WBT… About the amazing side effects of letting go.

Tuesday night at our crystal jewelry party, one of our pals talked openly about a friendship she let go of that day. She mentioned how hard it was, especially after investing so much time and effort. But she realized it had to be done, so she did it, and she declared it oh-so freeing. 

That pretty much sums up letting go.

You might be thinking right now that you don’t have a person in your life that you need to let go of. (Which is a great thing.) But we could all use a little letting go in our lives. So read the list of seven ways to practice letting go below, and we’ll bet you’ll notice some things that are crying out for your attention. 

  1. Focus on fixing what is in your control. (You can’t do this for situations that aren’t yours to fix.)

  2. Accept that negative emotions are a part of life and learn how to transmute them.

  3. Practice mindfulness and being present. Dwelling on the past and focusing only on the future does not serve you in the now. 

  4. Attend to issues but don’t dwell on them. Ruminating and obsessing create negative feedback loops and are huge time suckers.

  5. Distance yourself from negative situations and negative people.

  6. Try to forgive if it will help you let go.

  7. Make the most of your relationships and connections with caring, positive people.

So how do those sound to you? Think you can adopt some or all of those for your own well-being and happiness? If you’re not sure where to start, start at #1. Practice it and then add the next until you’ve got them covered. Then reflect on how you feel. 

If you need more insight or help with the actual doing, send us your questions or challenges and we’ll be happy to share!


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